Syntax10.Scn.Fnt FoldElems Syntax10.Scn.Fnt (* ---------------------------------------------------------- Backup does an incremental backup between two directories, i.e. only the files that have changed since the last backup are copied. Backup.WriteFiles ( {src dst} ~ | "^") src and dst are given as Macintosh path names starting with the volume name and ending with ":". If a path name contains blanks it must be written under quotes. All entries in dst which are not also in src are deleted so that after the backup the contents of dst will be equal to the contents of src. Example: Backup.WriteFiles Othello:Text:Lectures:EiP: hm:Backup:EiP: ~ ----------------------------------------------------------*) Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 18 Sep 95 Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE in[i] # 0X DO out[i+1] := in[i]; INC(i) END; out[0] := CHR(i) END MakeStr255; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(par); par.ioCompletion := 0; par.ioNamePtr := SYSTEM.ADR(; par.ioVRefNum := spec.vRefNum; par.ioDirID := spec.parID; par.ioFDirIndex := 0; res := Sys.PBGetCatInfo(par); ASSERT(res = 0) END GetFileInfo; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(par); par.ioCompletion := 0; par.ioNamePtr := SYSTEM.ADR(; par.ioVRefNum := spec.vRefNum; par.ioDrDirID := spec.parID; par.ioFDirIndex := 0; res := Sys.PBGetCatInfo(par); ASSERT(res = 0) END GetDirInfo; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR ch, start: CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN REPEAT In.Char(ch) UNTIL (ch > " ") OR ~In.Done; i := 1; IF (ch = '"') OR (ch = "'") THEN start := ch; In.Char(ch); WHILE In.Done & (ch # start) DO s[i] := ch; INC(i); In.Char(ch) END; In.Char(ch); ELSE WHILE In.Done & (ch > " ") DO s[i] := ch; INC(i); In.Char(ch) END END; s[i] := 0X; s[0] := CHR(i-1); FOR i := 1 TO ORD(s[0]) DO IF (s[i] >= CHR(129)) & (s[i] <= CHR(133)) THEN s[i] := umlaut[ORD(s[i])-129] END END ReadString; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO ORD(s[0]) DO FOR j := 0 TO LEN(umlaut)-1 DO IF s[i] = umlaut[j] THEN s[i] := CHR(129 + j) END END END; s[0] := " "; s[i] := 0X; Out.String(s) END PrintString; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF a[0] # b[0] THEN RETURN FALSE END; i := ORD(a[0]); WHILE (i > 0) & (a[i] = b[i]) DO DEC(i) END; RETURN i = 0 END EqualString; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt BEGIN Out.String(" --- "); CASE n OF -33: Out.String("directory full") | -34: Out.String("disk full") | -35: Out.String("volume not found") | -37: Out.String("bad file or volume name") | -43: Out.String("file not found") | -44, -46: Out.String("volume locked") | -45: Out.String("file locked") | -47: Out.String("file busy or directory not empty") | -49: Out.String("file already open for writing") ELSE Out.F("error #", n) END; Out.Ln END Err; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR f: File; BEGIN NEW(f); := NIL; f.spec := spec; f.touched := FALSE; := info.ioFlMdDat; f.len := info.ioFlLgLen; f.rlen := info.ioFlRLgLen; f.creator := info.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator; f.type := info.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType; IF f.len > maxLen THEN maxLen := f.len END; IF f.rlen > maxLen THEN maxLen := f.rlen END; RETURN f END NewFile; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR g: File; BEGIN g := d.files; WHILE (g # NIL) & ~EqualString(, DO g := END; RETURN g END ThisFile; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt FoldElems Syntax10.Scn.Fnt PrintString(; IF g # NIL THEN res := Sys.FSpDelete(g.spec); ASSERT(res = 0, 99) ELSE NEW(g); FOR i := 0 TO ORD([0]) DO s[i] :=[i] END; res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(dt.spec.vRefNum, dt.dirID, s, g.spec); ASSERT(res = fnfErr, 98) END; res := Sys.FSpCreate(g.spec, f.creator, f.type, Sys.smSystemScript); IF res # 0 THEN Err(res); RETURN END; Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10.Scn.Fnt res := Sys.FSpOpenDF(f.spec, 0, fRef); IF res # 0 THEN Err(res); RETURN END; res := Sys.FSpOpenDF(g.spec, 0, gRef); IF res # 0 THEN Err(res); RETURN END; res := Sys.FSRead(fRef, f.len, SYSTEM.ADR(buf^)); ASSERT(res = 0, 94); res := Sys.FSWrite(gRef, f.len, SYSTEM.ADR(buf^)); IF res # 0 THEN Err(res) END; res := Sys.FSClose(fRef); ASSERT(res = 0, 92); res := Sys.FSClose(gRef); ASSERT(res = 0, 91); Syntax10.Scn.Fnt IF f.rlen > 0 THEN res := Sys.FSpOpenRF(f.spec, 0, fRef); IF res # 0 THEN Err(res); RETURN END; res := Sys.FSpOpenRF(g.spec, 0, gRef); IF res # 0 THEN Err(res); RETURN END; res := Sys.FSRead(fRef, f.rlen, SYSTEM.ADR(buf^)); ASSERT(res = 0, 88); res := Sys.FSWrite(gRef, f.rlen, SYSTEM.ADR(buf^)); IF res # 0 THEN Err(res) END; res := Sys.FSClose(fRef); ASSERT(res = 0, 86); res := Sys.FSClose(gRef); ASSERT(res = 0, 85); Out.String(" + resources") END; VAR res, i: INTEGER; s: Sys.Str255; fRef, gRef: INTEGER; info: FileInfo; BEGIN create empty g on dt copy data fork copy resource fork Out.String(" saved$"); INC(savedFiles) END SaveFile; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR d: Directory; info: DirInfo; res: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(d); := NIL; d.files := NIL; d.dirs := NIL; d.spec := spec; GetDirInfo(spec, info); d.dirID := info.ioDrDirID; := info.ioDrMdDat; RETURN d END NewDir; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR spec: Sys.FSSpec; s: Sys.Str255; res, i: INTEGER; dummy: LONGINT; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO ORD([0]) DO s[i] :=[i] END; res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(parent.spec.vRefNum, parent.dirID, s, spec); ASSERT(res = fnfErr, 29); res := Sys.FSpDirCreate(spec, Sys.smSystemScript, dummy); ASSERT(res = 0, 30); dt := NewDir(spec) END CreateDir; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR g: File; BEGIN g := d.dirs; WHILE (g # NIL) & ~EqualString(, DO g := END; RETURN g END ThisDir; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR f: File; i: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO indent DO Out.String(" ") END; Out.String("--- "); PrintString(; Out.Ln; f := d.files; WHILE f # NIL DO FOR i := 1 TO indent DO Out.String(" ") END; Out.String(" "); PrintString(; Out.Ln; f := END; f := d.dirs; WHILE f # NIL DO PrintDir(f(Directory), indent + 1); f := END END PrintDir; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt VAR f: File; d1: Directory; par: FileInfo; res, n, i: INTEGER; spec: Sys.FSSpec; s: Sys.Str255; BEGIN n := 1; Out.Char(prompt); NEW(par); par.ioCompletion := 0; par.ioVRefNum := d.spec.vRefNum; LOOP s[0] := 0X; par.ioNamePtr := SYSTEM.ADR(s); par.ioDirID := d.dirID; par.ioFDirIndex := n; INC(n); res := Sys.PBGetCatInfo(par); IF res = 0 THEN IF par.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags >= 0 THEN (*no alias: alias files have bit 15 set*) res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(d.spec.vRefNum, d.dirID, s, spec); ASSERT(res = 0); IF ODD(par.ioFlAttrib DIV 16) THEN (*directory*) d1 := NewDir(spec); := d.dirs; d.dirs := d1 ELSE (*file*) f := NewFile(spec, par); := d.files; d.files := f END END ELSIF res = fnfErr THEN EXIT ELSE HALT(20) END END; f := d.dirs; WHILE f # NIL DO FillDir(f(Directory), prompt); f := END END FillDir; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR f, g: File; first: BOOLEAN; BEGIN f := df.files; first := TRUE; WHILE f # NIL DO g := ThisFile(dt, f); IF (g = NIL) OR ( > THEN IF first THEN Out.String("-- "); PrintString(; Out.Ln; first := FALSE END; SaveFile(f, g, dt) END; g.touched := TRUE; f := END; f := df.dirs; WHILE f # NIL DO g := ThisDir(dt, f); IF g = NIL THEN CreateDir(f(Directory), dt, g) END; SaveDir(f(Directory), g(Directory)); g.touched := TRUE; f := END SaveDir; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt VAR f: File; first: BOOLEAN; res: INTEGER; inf: DirInfo; BEGIN (*delete redundant files in d*) f := d.files; first := TRUE; WHILE f # NIL DO IF ~f.touched THEN IF first THEN Out.String("-- "); PrintString(; Out.Ln; first := FALSE END; res := Sys.FSpDelete(f.spec); PrintString(; Out.String(" deleted$") END; f := END; f := d.dirs; WHILE f # NIL DO CleanupDir(f(Directory)); res := Sys.FSpDelete(f.spec); IF res = 0 THEN (*was empty*) IF first THEN Out.String("-- "); PrintString(; Out.Ln; first := FALSE END; PrintString(; Out.String(" deleted$") END; f := END CleanupDir; Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR path: Sys.Str255; df, dt: Directory; res: INTEGER; spec: Sys.FSSpec; BEGIN In.Open; Out.Open; savedFiles := 0; LOOP ReadString(path); IF (path[0] = 0X) OR (path[1] = "~") THEN EXIT END; res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, path, spec); IF res # 0 THEN Out.F("-- Invalid source directory. res = #$", res); EXIT END; df := NewDir(spec); ReadString(path); res := Sys.FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, path, spec); IF res # 0 THEN Out.F("-- Invalid destination directory. res = #$", res); EXIT END; dt := NewDir(spec); maxLen := 0; Out.String("Reading directories"); FillDir(df, "-"); FillDir(dt, "+"); Out.Ln; NEW(buf, maxLen); (*PrintDir(df, 0); PrintDir(dt, 0);*) SaveDir(df, dt); CleanupDir(dt) END; Out.F("$# files saved$", savedFiles); Out.Close; buf := NIL END WriteFiles; Documentation MODULE Backup; (* HM IMPORT Sys, In, Out, SYSTEM; CONST fnfErr = -43; File = POINTER TO FileDesc; FileDesc = RECORD next: File; spec: Sys.FSSpec; date, len, rlen, creator, type: LONGINT; touched: BOOLEAN END; Directory = POINTER TO DirectoryDesc; DirectoryDesc = RECORD (FileDesc) dirID: LONGINT; files: File; (*the files in this directory*) dirs: File (*the subdirectories in this directory*) END; DirInfo = POINTER TO DirInfoDesc; DirInfoDesc = RECORD (Sys.CInfoPBRec) ioDrUsrWds: Sys.DInfo; ioDrDirID: LONGINT; ioDrNmFls: INTEGER; f3: ARRAY 9 OF INTEGER; ioDrCrDat: LONGINT; ioDrMdDat: LONGINT; ioDrBkDat: LONGINT; ioDrFndrInfo: Sys.DXInfo; ioDrParID: LONGINT END; FileInfo = Sys.CInfoPBFilePtr; maxLen: LONGINT; (*max. file length (determines buffer sizes)*) buf: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; (*files are copied via this buffer*) savedFiles: LONGINT; (*number of saved files*) umlaut: ARRAY 5 OF CHAR; (*conversion of Oberon umlauts to Mac umlauts*) (*--- toolbox*) PROCEDURE MakeStr255 (VAR in: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR out: Sys.Str255); PROCEDURE GetFileInfo (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR par: FileInfo); PROCEDURE GetDirInfo (spec: Sys.FSSpec; VAR par: DirInfo); (*--- auxiliaries*) PROCEDURE ReadString (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE PrintString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE EqualString (a, b: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Err (n: INTEGER); (*--- files*) PROCEDURE NewFile (spec: Sys.FSSpec; info: FileInfo): File; PROCEDURE ThisFile (d: Directory; f: File): File; PROCEDURE SaveFile (f: File; VAR g: File; dt: Directory); (*--- directories*) PROCEDURE NewDir (spec: Sys.FSSpec): Directory; PROCEDURE CreateDir (df, parent: Directory; VAR dt: File); PROCEDURE ThisDir (d: Directory; f: File): File; (*PROCEDURE PrintDir (d: Directory; indent: INTEGER); PROCEDURE FillDir (d: Directory; prompt: CHAR); PROCEDURE SaveDir (df, dt: Directory); PROCEDURE CleanupDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE WriteFiles*; BEGIN umlaut[0] := CHR(133); (*Oe*) umlaut[1] := CHR(134); (*Ue*) umlaut[2] := CHR(138); (*ae*) umlaut[3] := CHR(154); (*oe*) umlaut[4] := CHR(159); (*ue*) END Backup.